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Shaune Murphy
Ill get you started, increase your sales or solve your business problems.

Ex M.D, United OiI Australasia, CEO Sydney City Extra,

Since going it alone I have helped with start ups, significantly improved the existing operations, growth and retention of many organisations across a diverse range of industries.

I have worked with some clients over many years.

I have secured many 'trade agreements' and won major contracts with inventive strategies.

I am able to jump in to a static or waning situation and ; -Evaluate the status quo. -Rectify existing problems. -Optimise existing opportunities. -Create new opportunities. -Construct a new direction. -Communicate a new message. -Fashion a way forward. -Package a new 'master plan'. -Engender new confidence . -Advance new goals.

I have faith in my ability to identify existing problems that others may miss, to solve existing problems where others might fail, and to create exciting new opportunities that others might not even have imagined existed.

I have a history of developing winning game plans across diverse sectors; then seeing them through myself when necessary.

I have great confidence in my ability to assess, adapt, plan and implement. I am always prepared to back myself and lead the way.

I take great joy in breathing new life into businesses that are floundering by creating exciting and innovative new road maps to success and plotting the direction with which to travel them.

I'm not one for cliche's; but, i do love a challenge!

Contact Shaune Murphy
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NSW, Australia

Member since

Mar 2017

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