Pixie Proofreading
I provide a quick-turnaround, simple editing service that enables businesses to promote their products with confidence

The written word is truly amazing. Without it I would not be speaking to you right now. It allows us to communicate with people we might never see, sharing thoughts, ideas and information across the world because of a (mostly) agreed to set of spelling, grammar and punctuation rules. By following these rules you create content that is easy to read, delivers your intent with clarity and builds a sense of professionalism with your client. Errors are easy to miss when you are the writer, but they are glaring obvious to the reader. So, when it’s your business or reputation at stake, a proofreader is essential. I have been editing written content since 2009, for businesses ranging from highly technical telecommunications to creativity-focused, interior finishes suppliers. I also hold Bachelor’s Degrees in English and Linguistics from the University of Sydney. I’ve worked on websites, contracts, EDMs, blogs, essays, short stories, brochures, magazines and more.

One all-encompassing service - Instead of paying different prices for different degrees of editing I find all errors, inconsistencies and format issues for one flat rate.

Fast Turnaround - Proofreading is usually the last step in the process, so you need it done quickly. A late proposal is almost as bad a poorly edited one. I charge per word not per hour, so I am just as motivated as you to have the job done quickly

Confidence - Every piece of communication with your client helps to build trust and convey the professionalism of your company. Be confident that you are making the right impression with your clients.

Contact Pixie Proofreading
Typical budget

$3,000 and under


NSW, Australia

Member since

Jul 2018

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