Francesco Jonus
Web/Software Developer

My name is Francesco Jonus, and I'm a web/software developer, currently based in Melbourne, AU.

You can check my past projects on my portfolio, but, to summarize my past experience, my main activity is the development of web applications, with special attention for the creation of software for service companies (Laravel, Jquery, PHP, Javascript, MySQL, Wordpress websites).

I especially had a three year experience splitted on two companies working most of the time on Worpress code development, optimization, plugin creation and quite everything, really, concerning Wordpress.

Also, I can surely work on CSS and Html 5 and creating, applying, modifying themes.

I'm also able to provide excellent SEO services (and this could be check by the list of websites I provided in my portfolio).

I also being a team leader, in the past, for this two companies, so I had constantly to organize jobs and focus on different projects at the same time.

My communication skills are good, and I already had to organize jobs with clients or employees of various country. So, I already worked as a freelancer in an English speaking environment and taken several hours of studying to improve my knowledge if this language.

Please don't hesitate to contact me for any questions or proposals.

Contact Francesco Jonus
Typical budget

$3,000 and under


Heathmont, VIC, Australia

Member since

Mar 2019

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