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Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Freelance / Casual

Require automation of data, will need exceptional skills using excel worksheets understanding formulas and advance reporting and tables.

I am open to other solutions using other program formats other than Excel.

Our business works in the banking industry, we need to understand the data which is in excel format currently. I cannot link the other system so all data whatever solutions will need to be able to be uploaded, manually weekly.

The aim is to provide accurate data for pricing projection, productivity, trends in customers and stock volume projecting.

I would expect this to be an evolving project as the data is revealed more reporting functions will most likely be required.

I would expect ongoing work to be completed as required, the potential for large projects once reviewed by national management.

Any data worked on will require signing of an NDA and police check completed before commencing work.

We will need someone local as we will need to work through the solutions, I at this point cannot see all the reports we require and it will be a progressive project that will scope creep.

Requested by
Russell H.
Joined Apr 2020
Submitted 28 Apr 2020 at 01:58
Expired 4 years ago

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Lighthouse Information Technology

Hi Russell,

What is your contact details where I can send my resume and additional information?

Alternatively, send me email to info@medico24.com.au.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Russell H.


You can send details to service@techonite.com.au

I am on annual leave until 11/5/20

Artem Yagofarov

Hi Russell,

Happy to go through examples of my work in excel analysis and automation.

Please share your contact details or otherwise email me on artem.yagofarov@gmail.com.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Regards, Artem

Anands Online

Hi Russell I have previously worked on a similar project previously. It was a kind of portfolio management project where my client provides insides to his customers. We made a web application that could automatically process excel files.

These files come to our client in various formats (Excel, CSV, Flat Flies, text file). We map these files to the database, apply some rules (blank removal, negative removal, date changes) . After ingestion, calculations are done on these files.

It also involves some files from a third-party client which are ingested on a quarterly basis. Like for FDIC https://www7.fdic.gov/sdi/download_large_list_outside.asp

Your project looks quite similar. Please connect to discuss more on karan073@gmail.com

Russell H.


You can send details to service@techonite.com.au

I am on annual leave until 11/5/20

RPBC Business Solutions

Hey Russell

Rel here from RPBC Business Solutions. You can link your existing Excel spreadsheets to Access (part of Office 365) and then run queries and reports on the data. Access can then push data to an Azure SQL database to make the data available to anyone with an internet connection and credentials. This is a cheap and simple solution that gives you all the options moving forward.

I'm based in western Sydney m: 0408 608 901 or e: rel@rpbc.com.au Let me know if you need anything further.

Russell H.


Thank you for your interest,

I will be on annual leave until 11/5/20 but I will be sure to make contact once I am back at work.



Virtual SupportSoft PLC

HI Russell,Please let us know when we can discuss in detail .

Russell H.

Thank you for your interest,

I will be on annual leave until 11/5/20 but I will be sure to make contact once I am back at work.




Hi Russell, I'm an EXCEL Guru and keen to discuss more with you. my email: zhaojunjie1015@hotmail.com


Hi Russell,

I was working for a multi national company for about 13 years as a senior data analyst and automation expert. I'm sure I can give you ideal solution for your data problem which will overall improve productivity. If interested please let me know.

Kind Regards, Suranga