Marketing professional

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual

We are seeking a marketing professional who is experienced with influencer marketing campaigns. As we are Melbourne based, our expectation is to connect with influencers/bloggers who have large followings within our niche market. That is, the type of influencers we require are ones that are involved in the business and social and lifestyle industries and who most likely attract the more savvy, successful, career-minded, ambitious single men and women. The aim is to get them to promote our website, advertise our pre-launch offers and upcoming events. In summary, we are looking for this person to bring to the table around 3 influencers who are interested in promoting our business.  

Requested by
Jenny M.
Joined Jun 2020
Submitted 18 Jun 2020 at 01:10
Expired 4 years ago
Bidding guide $30 - $250
Average bid $500.00

Ezi Online Services


I am a graduate research analyst based in Melbourne. I have experience in influencer marketing campaigns for eCommerce businesses.

Here is what I can do for you:

  • Find a list of Influencers specific to your niche
  • Verify that their account is active and has a good engagement rate
  • Verify that they do a shoutout
  • Make the first Interaction with influencers
  • Provide you with a price estimate for the influencers based on followers

Please contact me for details.



Deliver in 3 days
Munim Wyne

With over 10 years of credible and referenced SEO experience, my aim is to leverage the power of SEO in order to generate traffic, engagement, growth, and a consistently upward revenue stream. With Google outsmarting the majority of the businesses, my approach is to lay down a robust SEO foundation that constantly sends Google the signals it needs to see for better performance in organic search.


Robust On-Page SEO Implementation:

  • Title & Meta Descriptions
  • Headers (H1, H2, H3)
  • Image Optimization
  • URL friendliness (including keywords in the URL)
  • Content Optimization
  • Embed Title Tag Modifiers
  • Using LSI Keywords
  • Internal Linking

I provide additional services such as:-

• Technical SEO
• Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) • User Behaviour Analysis ( Hotjar, Crazy Egg etc.) • Call Tracking Metrics • Goals and Event Tracking • Social Media Optimization and Marketing • Indexing Audits • Crawl Errors Audits • Complete Backlinks Audits • Google Adwords • Amazon Paid Campaigns • Guest Postings • Backlinks Generation • Social Bookmarking • Content Strategizing

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