Panthur have great support, have you tried contacting them? I'm sure they can give you some steps to follow.
We have a web site being developed for a client in MODX Revolution Cloud using MDx Adorn theme, nothing out of the ordinary.
The web site is currently deployed to a MODX cloud server and just about ready to go live.
I need someone to change the deployment to the client's domain and get the site up.
The client's web hosting is at
Panthur's application installer page says they support "Automated installation of 110+ software applications" and includes MODX in their supported applications.
The job includes any installation or configuration required of the Panthur server.
I guess this would be a small number of hours work for someone who's done this before. Please don't apply if you haven't already done this. (I'm a software engineer specializing in ASP.Net/SaaS and I haven't done it before, which is why I'm outsourcing the job).
A brief description of the actions required to complete the job will be required, you could include this in your quote to demonstrate you know how to do it otherwise it will be required on project completion.
Added 3rd April: My understanding of the job is 1) the DNS record for the clients domain is already pointing at existing Panthur web site 2) I will provide you with login to the MODX Revo Cloud Dashboard & Manager for the new web site 3) you will do whatever is required to deploy the new web site to Panthur and modify MODX accordingly 4) on completion of the job the new web site will be up and MODX will now publish to the Panthur web site
I have previous server administration working experience. I can do the job efficiently
We work with MODx on a daily basis - its our go to CMS. We also have our own web hosting and often transfer sites between hosts. This is a common job for us.
This is how I would go about this job:
Good hint, thanks. Cheers, Roger