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Real Estate Digital Sales (REDS) requires a locally based Laravel Developer, preferably in Adelaide, South Australia, to complete the SaaS component of our overall project. The successful applicant will need to sign non disclosure and non compete agreements under Australian law.
The owner is keen to find a developer that not only has the required skill sets to complete the basic beta version to launch asap, but also can introduce great ideas and empower the SaaS even further. The REDS moto is EMPOWERMENT, so the owner is always looking for further enhancements and components that do just that for not only the owner admin to track sales, but also the affiliates and the end users to track their listings. Great user experience built upon a powerful platform incorporating powerful third party APIs is our goal.
The owner anticipates a launch of the beta version within 4-6 weeks, and the developer can expect continuous enhancements and updates after the launch, so a stable SaaS and immediate hands on maintenance will be required. The successfull developer could be looking at a maintenance contract.
Because of the time delays experienced this development is based on a slightly older Laravel platform, however once it is stable and revenues are returned to the owner, and the developer has a full and deep understanding of the project, they will be invited to build another more sophistiated version in the latest Laravel version, not only for REDS but for numerous cloned SaaSs for other web assests the owner has aquired.
Any prospective developer interested in this project must be experienced and able enough to jump right in and show me what you got and that you can deliver the goods. There will be no hand holding of pretenders or wann-be's, however any serious, skilled and commited developer will reap the benefits into the future. Serious applicants only thanks!