Startup for a product

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual

Hi Team,

Can you please provide a fee proposal to get a business of the ground. I have a product which I have not seen here in Australia, but it is sold in US market successfully. This product can be marketed to different sectors and in the future can be expanded to have different models. The markets that would be interested in this product are but not limited to : Construction Real estate Health Personal use in home Food prep areas Anywhere where there is need for cleanliness and protection I would need help in branding and marketing to different sectors, landing pages and a website, and social media including LinkedIn.

Requested by
Joined May 2020
Submitted 11 May 2020 at 03:18
Expired 4 years ago

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Courtney Gaynor

Hi There, what kind of proposal are you after? Basic launch of product with a brand strategy? What kind of budget will you have and what kind of media are you looking at using?

Jo Hardy

As above - we could help with brand and basic marketing strategy, just interested in your budget! Thanks