Web Developer wanted

This project has ended

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Report required to extract all pending orders from database of a website (wordpress/woocommerce). Previously was in place but damaged due to recent malware infection.

Requested by
Caroline A.
Joined Nov 2012
Submitted 29 Jun 2013 at 06:23
Expired 11 years ago
Average bid $137.50

Viva IT Services
Deliver in 10 days
Warpspace IT
Estimated 3 hours
Nigel Heap Web Design

Hello, Is this just a once off extract or is the functionality required to work from the cms (wordpress admin) by clicking a button?

Caroline A.

The report would need to be run more than once but can be run remotely (doesn't need to be a button inbuilt into wordpress). It could just be a DB query set up to run each time.