Orange Elephants Creative Minds

Typical budget: $3,000 and under
Located in QLD, Australia

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Jennifer Althaus is a writing consultant who has been working in the industry for 13 years operating her own business Orange Elephants Creative Minds. Her skills range from that of working with authors, helping them piece their ideas into a manuscript, to assisting businesses with online content, product descriptions and other writing needs. She has also been known to write the odd speech, presentation, poem and letter. She has compiled and tutors writing courses both on the Gold Coast, Queensland and online.

Over the years Jennifer has contributed articles to The Australia Times Pets and Books Magazines, She has reviewed books for Allen and Unwin and Palmer Higgs Publishers and founded Rattling Reviews, a print and online magazine that presented product reviews and critiques. She is also the founder of Rattling Reviews sister magazine Good Gabble that focused on all things positive. These magazines operated from 2009 to 2015. She has been contracted to write and review for companies such as 4 Ingredients, Five:am yoghurts and Just Wood Watches.

Jennifer is a professional writer and published author who is committed to providing a positive service that meets the individual needs of the client. She prides herself on her open honesty and meeting of deadlines. Along with a Bachelor of Arts double major in Creative Writing and Criminal Justice, Jennifer holds a Diploma of Poetry, Certificate in Children's Writing and a degree in child care. When she is not writing she is guest speaking about Autism, the role of assistance dog in Autism and society, Autism and water and homeschooling the natural way.

Further information:

Good Gabble Magazine:

The Australia Times: (published under maiden name of Jennifer Douglas)

Websites and testimonials:

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