Freelancer directory

Australian professional freelance photo editors. People-powered photo editing service with free revisions and fast turn arounds.
Workplace Safety Compliance for Healthcare - Keeping your Staff safe & Your Costs Down!
20 years of experience working with Microsoft Technologies (MS Office and SharePoint Development specialist)
I am experienced in all design areas including design of newsletters, brochures, event signage, exhibition artwork, infographics, banners and proposals. I can create online material including eDMs, online advertising, social media collateral and create pr
Assisting small business with affordable corporate level expertise in sales, sales management and compliance
A business that provides strategic advice, technology development, market positioning and penetration.
I'm a project manager able to provide all kind of marketing services
We are an IT Outsourcing company with expertise on mobility, enterprise applications, data modeling, business logic, UI/UE, augmented reality, B2B/B2C solutions, E-Commerce, Internet of Things.