Freelancer directory

Finacc Professional Services Ltd offers efficient, effective , high quality and affordable 100% online/remote services in data entry, administrative support, transcription, virtual assistance and bookkeeping.
Media Strategy, Planning & Buying + Marketing Consulting - all channels - online, offline, search & social
Providing a plenty of skills for your multiple projects which are related to modeling, rendering, processing and revising construction drawings, detailing, etc...
Great customer service and efficiency is key; I look forward to being of assistance
Jason James is a freelance motion design and animator with extensive experience in a number of creative disciplines including 3D animation, motion graphics and design, and mutlimedia
I can write literally anything and have experience in marketing, journalism & comedy.
A proffesional software developer with over 15 years of experience in WEB and MOBILE.
I offer a wide variety of writing services including articles, copywriting, web content, business plans, press releases, corporate reports and more.
Helping you achieve your business goals by reducing your workload