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What's happening on OzLance right now!

Assignment Ace is a leading writing firm in the UK which offers essay, assignments, dissertations and [thesis writing help UK]( online. Students are not perfect at doing writing work with ownself so therefor
7 hours ago Unspecified location
20 hours ago AR, United States
22 hours ago Atlanta, GA, United States
Ajay Padvi has listed their portfolio
2 days ago
1 week ago VIC, Australia
Data Duality has listed their portfolio
1 month ago
As a Data Engineer & Data Visualisation Expert with over 10 years of experience mostly in management consultancy, I specialise in database development (DB Dev), ETL processes, and dashboard creation. I’ve designed and implemented scalable data solutions t
1 month ago Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia
logo design ireland listed their skills in Business Analysis
We are the number 1 leading company located in ireland who provides the best brochure design services to customers. Our affordable pricing, fast turnaround times, and personalized customer service make us the go-to choice for businesses across Ireland loo
1 month ago Unspecified location
RARBP process safety consultant has listed their portfolio
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Why choose OzLance?

Higher Quality
Freelancers compete on experience, references and qualifications, not just price alone.
Local Staff
Strictly AUS and NZ workers only, for higher quality work and better communication.
Lower Rates
Local professionals for a fraction of the cost of employees, agencies or consulting firms.
Tiny Overheads
OzLance Freelancers are the most affordable way to get the job done properly.


Why are freelance wages so cheap?

Generally, freelancers don't pay for staff, business rent, commuting costs or many other overheads, so they can keep their fees lower than a typical firm paying all of these expenses. By hiring a freelancer, you're cutting out all these added costs and just paying the basic hourly wage.

What fees are charged by OzLance?

$7 to post a project or job advert. That's it. If you don't find the right person for the job right away, you can re-list your job for no extra charge. OzLance charges no other fees.

Are freelancers good at what they do?

Like any recruitment process, you'll get great applications and probably a few lemons even though we actively try to keep the lemon quotient low. Some of our freelancers come from senior roles in reputable companies and others are new university graduates, the key is finding the right freelancer for your job. You can request work samples, resumes and qualifications to help make your choice easier.

How much will I save by hiring an OzLance Freelancer?

While it depends on the individual job, chances are the answer is a lot. You can view our pricing studies recommendations to find out more.

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