Victorian Department of Education, QAR Division Annual Report
Annual report design for the Victorian Government’s Department of Education & Training Quality Assessment and Regulation Division.
The 64 page report was information dense, so it was important that the text and design were as engaging for readers as possible. This was achieved through colourful ...See more
Annual report design for the Victorian Government’s Department of Education & Training Quality Assessment and Regulation Division.
The 64 page report was information dense, so it was important that the text and design were as engaging for readers as possible. This was achieved through colourful imagery, breakout infographics and quotes, and a dynamic layout.
Victorian School Nursing Program Guidelines publication
Design of the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training, Wellbeing Health and Engagement Division’s Victorian School Nursing Program Guidelines.
Donna Cooper Legal branding
New branding for Donna Cooper Legal, a Melbourne based solicitor and notary public. The initials DC form an abstract scales of justice. The branding incorporates embossing and copper foil on a lightly textured card.
ethic4lawyers branding
Design of ethics4lawyers logo and branding. ethics4lawyers advises lawyers in responding to daily ethical challenges in legal practice. The logo design is a geometric compass – symbolising both the possible directions that decisions can take you and the ethical guidance that ethics4lawyers offers.
Design of ethics4lawyers logo and branding. ethics4lawyers advises lawyers in responding to daily ethical challenges in legal practice. The logo design is a geometric compass – symbolising both the possible directions that decisions can take you and the ethical guidance that ethics4lawyers offers.
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