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I was working for the past 6 years for Elsys AG in Switzerland to maintain and improve the data acquisition software TranAX ( This job needed a high skillset in programming with CSharp. It included building a post processing formula editor with an own domain specific langu...See more
I was working for the past 6 years for Elsys AG in Switzerland to maintain and improve the data acquisition software TranAX ( This job needed a high skillset in programming with CSharp. It included building a post processing formula editor with an own domain specific language. I learned to build tokenizer, lexer a parser. The software also includes a fully functional documentation window which can add the different elements we already had or extended (Different charts, textfields, shapes, images, tables, etc.). To get a better revenue with the software, we changed the licensing system and used QLM from Soraco. This also helped to get a clear path how to structure and plan the software which automatically leaded to a simple versioning system.
On top of all that I also had to work closely with the underlying hardware system were i was fetching the data from the data acquisition cards. This also needed good communications skills which are essential for a good project.
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