Oodles of Prose
Human words, for real business.

I’m Henry, I hail from New Zealand’s creative capital, and I’m a lover of words.

The right words speak with authority - they engage curious minds, induce tears, evoke smiles, and have been known to inspire rage, passion, friendship, love, loyalty - even the odd revolution. I have over 10 years experience writing for a vast array of clients - from country market stall owners, to some of Australia, New Zealand and Europe’s largest and most loved brands.

Whether it’s communications, fliers, billboards, web content, scripts, brochures, articles, or a creative conceptual piece, I'll work with you to get you noticed. My usual turn around is 2 days, but I understand sometimes things need to move fast, so feel free to shoot me a message and we’ll find a solution.

For human words that’ll connect with people and change the way the world views you, and the business you pour everything into – I’m your man.

Contact Oodles of Prose
Typical budget

$3,000 and under


Sydney, NSW, Australia

Member since

Apr 2017

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