Sharon Keleher
Written with accuracy.

Hi, I love to write.

Writing is such an underrated tool. It slows up our thought process and allows us to stop, think and breath as we find the words to express ourselves in text. How strong is that?
How often have you and I, perhaps as a child jumped in too deep before noticing the depth or the consequence and just as our big toe licks the edge of the splash? Oops!
I have been there a in my childhood but thankfully in the context of writing I have learnt how written expression and it’s process can be used advantageously to communicate or tell a story. To use the process of writing using thought, action and scrutiny, on reflection is a good cause for using foresight in planning and success. I enjoy different styles and techniques and content.
I enjoy making content which forms a rounded picture, an animated a story, some quirky text, editing a passage or creating a heading of just a few powerful words.

With open mindedness I hope to make you smile by putting your visions into words, or to pause with you as we create your amazing story.

Kind Regards, SK.

Freelance Blogging/Buisiness Review exp, Editor, Software/W. Expander skills, Medical studies & tech. writing interests, Creative at heart, a hard worker and communicates well with text. Adaptable and enjoys a challenge!

Contact Sharon Keleher
Typical budget

$3,000 and under


Hampton, VIC, Australia

Member since

Sep 2017

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