Ad hoc Administration support - must be able to physically meet in Mandurah each fortnight

This project has ended

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Mandurah, WA, Australia
Freelance / Casual

I'm looking for administration support for my small businesses. One completes property inspections associated with indoor air quality and produce reports that include photos, tables etc. the other mentors business owners to define and deliver their personal and business brand stories in a variety of ways - this business also needs admin support from a creating the repurposed materials following the initial (recorded) discussions and similar things. The work is varied but pretty much all computer-based.

I have tried a number of 'work remotely' options but this does not work for me, I am looking for someone who is able to physically meet with me for a couple of 'working together' hours every couple of weeks to set context and align projects before working remotely to complete things.

Requested by
Jacqueline C.
Joined Dec 2019
Submitted 4 Dec 2019 at 07:52
Expired 5 years ago

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RL Administration

Hi Jacqueline, what’s your email address, and I will drop you a line? :) Rikki-Lee

Sunflower Factory

Hi Jacqueline, I have applied via Ozlance. I live in Rockingham and even though my VA business is virtual, in also meet up with clients Sandra

Rodrigo Campello

HI Jacqueline, I have more than 10 years of experience in IT support, I can help you in your business and projects face to face. Let me know your email and we can arrange a meeting.

Di Hunt

Hi Jacqueline I would be eager to liaise with you regarding this position. I am very keen, and have many years experience in EA/PA type roles both remotely and on location.
How can I contact you for discussing my very suitable skill set with you, other than through OzLance online applications. Regards - Di

Emma Ferguson

Hello Jacqueline - is this job still available? I am very interested in helping you with your business and would be a great asset. I would love to connect with you. Are you able to provide your email address so that we can make a time to meet up. I live in the Mandurah area and have done Office work for 18 years.