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I am wanting an accountant to lodge tax returns x 2, company financials and trust documents for year ending 2015. Willing to pay $1000. BAS's are up to date, everything in order. Spreadsheets with personal deductions etc ready. Needing an accountant who specialises in company tax and can do a thorough job claiming as much as possible.

Requested by
Natalie D.
Joined Oct 2015
Submitted 11 Oct 2015 at 01:06
Expired 9 years ago
Average bid $1,100.00

[Deleted user]
Deliver in 6 days
Money Monarch

Hi, I am interested in this task. Is it for 2 company returns or is one of them a personal return? Thanks, Annie.

Natalie D.

Hi Annie, my and my partners tax return, our company financials and family trust. Are you a qualified accountant in Australia.? My new accountant (my previous one retired) wants close to $4,000 to do this which is just ridiculous. I am just wanting to ensure that first you are qualified in company and business tax and detailed to claim as much as possible and advise accordingly, then lodge with ATO. What would you charge for this? Thank you for your time and responding to this job. Natalie

Money Monarch

Hi Natalie, I am in Australia and work for a firm as I'm still in the process of getting my hours up to qualify for a tax agent licence - therefore I have to charge the firm's rates: Personal returns $149; Trust return $840; Company return $960; Trust financials $720; company financials $720. All communication would be through me and you can upload any required docs directly through the secure portal. It is an innovative and secure online system and no rush. At least 2 accountants other than myself will check/process the work. Kind regards, Anita.

Natalie D.

Ok. Well no thanks. Thats more then I am paying already.