Copywriter and Graphic Designer

This project has ended

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual

I would like to work with someone who has the ability to create social media posts and website blogs - by writing the copy and designing the engaging post. I would provide the general direction on the content and the parameters, but they would be free to create the content inline with my business brands. I have two small businesses that I would like this for, one is a coffee company and one is a children's clubhouse.

Requested by
Sarah B.
Joined Nov 2019
Submitted 14 Nov 2019 at 01:25
Expired 5 years ago

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emkate designs

Hi Sarah, I would Love to be considered for the job. I hope you do receive this, please email me at

Visit my website to see my work

Your email is invalid so I'm reaching out to you here. I look forward to hearing from you :) thanks