Laravel Expert for a Near Completed Real Estate SaaS

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Freelance / Casual

Real Estate Digital Sales (REDS) requires a locally based Laravel Developer, preferably in Adelaide, South Australia, to complete the SaaS component of our overall project. The owner will seriously consider other Australian based interstate developers, and has engaged a legal advisor to oversee the project. The successful applicant will need to sign non disclosure and non compete agreements under Australian law.

The owner will only consider overseas developers if the Laravel skill set, rate, and language components are high, and may be granted limited piecemeal parts to complete as a test. Enquieries from overseas developers posing as Australian based will be discounted immediately. The owner is adamant that any applicant be able to converse and understand English at a high level and make every effort to get into the owner's mind and overall vision for this project. In the past, miscommunication and delays has cost the owner time and money, so this requirement is an absolute imperative to avoid further frustrations as the owner is keen to launch asap.

The owner is accutely aware of how developers misrepresent themselves and make big promises concerning their skills and commitment to a project. Having now dealt with 6 different developers over several years on this project the owner is cautious, so please be genuine regarding your qualifications and commitment. The most recent developer has taken the project further than any other, and would still be engaged if not for other commitments. He has done a great job and some heavy lifting, has taken this version of the project to a near completion of the initial basic components, yet now has limited time. In fact we were mere weeks away from a launch.

Any new developer will have the opportunity to build upon this great foundation, and will be required to study, understand, and bury themselves into the project, working with the owner closely until it is launched. Patience and perseverance with the owner is paramount as any experienced developer is well aware that unanticipated problems, tweaks, and debugs often present themselves mid stream. Necessary enhancements will also present themselves so be prepared to deal with these as well until the owner is satisfied the minimal beta version is adequate enough for public release.

The owner is keen to find a developer that not only has the required skill sets to complete the basic beta version to launch asap, but also can introduce great ideas and empower the SaaS even further. The REDS moto is EMPOWERMENT, so the owner is always looking for further enhancements and components that do just that for not only the owner admin to track sales, but also the affiliates and the end users to track their listings. Great user experience built upon a powerful platform incorporating powerful third party APIs is our goal.

The owner anticipates a launch of the beta version within 4-6 weeks, and the developer can expect continuous enhancements and updates after the launch, so a stable SaaS and immediate hands on maintenance will be required.

REDS operates both a SaaS platform – and a CMS (WP) www.GoReds.Today blog, both of which work together as sister platforms to Empower all real estate role players in a new For Sale By Owner system which will be supported by a world wide army of affiliates - the REDS ARMY.

REDS intends to initiate a soft launch for earlest adopter affiliates in a REDS ARMY recruitment drive campaign ASAP, and in fact was on the cusp of launching when final development delays occured.

Early adopter compaigns will generate initial revenues of which a large percentage will be directed towards the deeper development and enhancement of the SaaS in the first instance, and the CMS as required. The successful applicant who proves their skill set, and dedication to the project, and delivers in a timely manner will also be granted an ongoing maintenance contract on top of the deeper development.

REDS incorporates 7 main Role Player roles, each with their own specific requirements.

  1. SELLER (Property)
  2. RENTOR (Landlord)
  3. BUYER
  5. SERVICE (Providers - of which there will be numerous sub-roles)
  7. REDS ARMY (Affiliate)

Each Role has it's own pipeline within the SaaS dashboard (viewable within the Godlike role) that directs to the front end, and also has associated system text for internal editing, amongst other features. SELL, RENT, and BUY pipes also have two sub pipes each that direct to SELL, RENT, and BUY Services and Media Services for each on the front end. This will become obvious when viewed.

Because REDS will be working with global affiliates, accurate tracking will needed to be built in for all roles for affiliates, and especially the owner and his appointed admins to track sales, search and sort listings, and pay commisions. Any developer that applies must have the skill sets and the presence of mind to understand and accomplish this. The skills and mindset will have to be displayed immediately to engender confidence of the owner in the developer.

Frontend search of listings and a mapping API will need to be enhanced immediately to a stable and powerful function, giving a more useful and enjoyable user experience (UX). This also applies to the godlike and admin roles within the dashboard.

Affiliates have their own pipelines and several key components are required for their own UX, and the ability for them to search their own dated client listings. Note that all listings for all pipelines are to be approved by the owner or admins and respective functions to this end are required. This has already been implimented on the main Sell pipelines for the Godlike role. Afilliates in the REDS ARMY have their own work space page and a "generate links" function for the various roles they sell that creates encrypted links they can send purchase pages to their prospects. These pages are already developed to a basic level but will be required to be further developed so that each affiliate can drop their owner (godlike) approved JVZoo and PayKickstart affiliate encrypted codes into. Again, these will need to be approved by the owner prior to publishing and functions created to do so. All of this will be required prior to launch.

Some of these the new developer will be requiered to build upon and enhance, others to develop from a cold start. Any skilled and proactive developer will find that there will be plenty of opportunity for deep development work, tweaking for speed, and to grow not only themselves, but also the SaaS, well into the future.

REDS has also created 12 RED DOORS marketing packages and intended program interfaces. 10 of these will be presented to the prospective developer as a secondary project, as 2 are already onfoot and not included in this initial job offer.

Because of the time delays experienced this development is based on a slightly older Laravel platform, however once it is stable and revenues are returned to the owner, and the developer has a full and deep understanding of the project, they will be invited to build another more sophistiated version in the latest Laravel version, not only for REDS but for numerous cloned SaaSs for other web assests the owner has aquired.

Any prospective developer interested in this project must be experienced and able enough to jump right in and show me what you got and that you can deliver the goods. There will be no hand holding of pretenders or wann-be's, however any serious, skilled and commited developer will reap the benefits into the future. Serious applicants only thanks!

Requested by
Joined Aug 2017
Submitted 26 May 2019 at 02:02
Expired 5 years ago

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Calcul8ors Pty Ltd

Hi Harry,

This may seem highly irregular, but I share your concerns about offshore developers lacking true local knowledge (which is natural, I suppose), and the inherent dangers Australian businesses face in engaging non-Australian developers.

So, would it be ok for me to quote your request above in an article I want to write on my website and publish as far and wide as I can?

Cheers, Calcul8or


Hi (?) from Calcul8or,

Thank you for you interest in this problem, one we both seem to agree is pervasive and totaly unnecessary.

I am certainly open to you publishing this on your website once you provide me with a link to that website for my perusal, so send it to me asap.

If I give my approval after viewing the site I would appreciate the following conditions are met when published.

  1. The above project description is published IN FULL so that context is fully understood.

  2. Full credit is given to myself as the writer of the above description.

Harry Connor Jr of Real Estate Digital Sales (REDS)

  1. An active link is created within the article for

From this landing page both the SaaS and the Blog can be accessed. However the SaaS is password protected against public viewing at the moment until completed.

  1. Please do not link back to the OzLance page as I may take down the post once a developer is secured.

  2. Provide me with a link to the article on your website once posted.

  3. Provide me a contact name and email, preferably yours.

Feel free to top and tail the article with your own comments, quote sections at will, and make conclusions as you see fit.

Best of luck with this.

Harry Connor Jr

Real Estate Digital Sales (REDS)

Hi Sir,

This is Praniskaa from i2 Software Tech Solutions, India

We have tried to reach you couple of times via my email .. We are even ready to take up a small module as our test to prove ourselves .. Awaiting for your response to take things forward ..

Regards Praniskaa i2 Software Tech Solutions