music videographer

This project has ended

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
Freelance / Casual

My cover band is playing a gig on Saturday night Nov 24th from about 7:30-11pm at The Bunker bar in Coogee. We would like to get some good video footage with decent sound to capture the atmosphere. We'll post the better videos to our YouTube channel and FB and probably put together a show-reel. We will consider prices on the basis of experience and equipment. The minimum we want is for the whole show to be filmed, with a roving camera and plenty of nice tight shots, the files chopped up into songs and the files shared. We are open to pitches for something more elaborate - separate sound feeds, mixing, production of the reel. You can see what we do at Locos.Coogee on YouTube but that is pretty much all just iPhone footage.

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Requested by
Gabriel H.
Joined Nov 2018
Submitted 20 Nov 2018 at 09:38
Expired 6 years ago
Average bid $0.00

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