video editor for 6 videos 90 sec duration each ( social media )

This project has ended

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual

6 x 90 second social media videos

Requested by
Andrew L.
Joined Oct 2022
Submitted 17 Oct 2022 at 22:16
Expired 2 years ago
Average bid $508.57

Kapil Mathur

Hi, Please check my portfolio

Deliver in 5 days
Zain Ul Abadeen

Hi, Andrew L I would like to take this opportunity and complete your work in 4 days
lets discus

Deliver in 4 days
solo post

Hello Andrew, It will be my first project on OzLance if you choosed me. I know it is very difficult to get work without any recognition but my friend we can deal, pay after you satisfied.

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olojede david dara

i am the best march for this offer

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george moussa.

Can work in hd, start to finish.over 20 yrs exp.

Deliver in 3 days
versaleta-Graphic and Digital Design

Hi Andrew,

I am a qualified and experienced video editor and I will be a good fit to make your 6 videos come to life! Let's chat about the project. My bid includes only editing (not filming).

Look forward to working together.

Deliver in 15 days
Perbenyik Productions

Hi, I run a video production company on the east coast of Australia specialising in small corporate jobs & social media promos. I've directed a number of short films, produced regional TV adverts & training videos and I'd be happy to chat about your project. Here's an example of a social media promo I completed recently -

Regards PaulM

Deliver in 14 days
Artery Design

Hi there. Would you be supplying the videos that need to be edited or do they need to be created from scratch?

Andrew L.

All footage and assets supplied 1080p