Web App development project using Amazon Web Service interface

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual

Our company develops portable field measurement technology for maintenance. Currently we use an onboard IOT computer and dedicated software to manage the data collection, database creation, data interaction and reporting. It is currently a standalone system.

However, looking forward. We are seeking to export the data off the measurement device, and upload that data onto a cloud service. Once on the cloud. a web app will be required to interact with the data for data management and reporting purposes. The web app will also be used to create and manage the database structure. Along with facilitate report generation.

In addition to the core functions above, security for the system is important and it will need to be a license key managed installation.

We are based in Perth WA. while our preference would be to use someone closer to the office. That is not essential.

Below are a couple of video tutorials showing the type of user interface we are seeking to establish. Something similar, this example has more functionality than we require. But the framework is similar. When it refers to Sonophone, think of that like our measurement tool.

1: https://youtu.be/Jb3s5zRVd48 2: https://youtu.be/MgI7KhRlLeI 3: https://youtu.be/V1KXyQAIQE8 4: https://youtu.be/Ug-A5Ihepzg

Let me know if you have any questions?

Regards Kelvin

Requested by
Kelvin W.
Joined Jun 2021
Submitted 25 Jun 2021 at 07:26
Expired 3 years ago
Average bid $9,905.71

LampDatabase Australia

Hi Kelvin,

I have many years experience creating solutions similar to your project. I would need to talk to you about your plans for the future as this really affects the way you design the system now. A secure web based portal/web application that uses open source technology and is portable between cloud vendors would be my recommendation as this avoids any danger of vendor lock in down the track.

All the best,


Deliver in 14 days
Genesis Systems

Hi Kelvin, Muhammad here from Genesis Systems We are a team of 10 people providing services as your project We’ve been working with clients from USA and Saudia Arabia from past few years Let me know if you want to schedule a call and discuss things further

Deliver in 20 days
Intuition SofTech Australia

Hi Kelvin,

This is Steve from Sydney. I have worked on similar apps and I can definitely build your AWS based custom web application to collect, store and manage data and represent it in a meaningful form. Also I can manage licensing and security as we have local solution architect and lead engineer. We are currently working with 2 clients on similar projects.

  1. Shriro Australia for Everdure BBQ: https://everdurebyheston.com/

  2. Elsema remote gates solutions: https://www.elsema.com/

We have build apps and web application to manage data and security. We have niche capability in this area and we can add value to your application through our expertise.

Let me know if you have any query. Bid is a placeholder so disregard it. We can schedule a call and discuss this further. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Regards: Steve

Deliver in 21 days
Sim Touch Technology

With over 10 years experience in both software development and in RF, analog and digital electronics in both servicing and design/development. My more recent experience is with web based business intelligence systems reporting over big data system and cloud based data storage including sql and non sql data systems. Please feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss your project further.

Deliver in 30 days
Cloud Solutions Australia

Hi Kelvin, I can deliver an ASP.Net / Microsoft stack (i.e. coded in C# / IIS Application Server / SQL Server / etc) cloud solution to meet your requirements i.e.

  1. application delivered via web browser to any device with internet connection
  2. download required database structure as a flat file to field device
  3. upload populated flat file from field device to cloud database (SQL Server)
  4. provide reports (to be defined)
  5. provide back office CRUD (create/read/update/delete) management of the database
  6. application & SQL Server hosted on AWS

A fixed price of $6,000 is provided; $4,000 is my initial thinking but as the required reports are not yet defined I have added some leeway, we can negotiate if you wish.

I can demonstrate a portfolio of similar solutions.

Cheers, Roger

Deliver in 30 days
Whitetower Digital

Hi there, we're Sydney based and local web app developers and have built huge systems for small to large companies. We're also very familiar with AWS and we work with some ASX listed companies and creative agencies based in Perth, so it's not a problem for us working on a project like this (from a comms perspective).

Deliver in 30 days
PC Solutions

Hi Kelvin,

I looked at the other proposals and am somewhat shocked at the timing and prices given.

My cost is based on $AU80.00 per hour. I personally have over 30 years experience in software development ranging from Games to financial apps, security and communications, our clients are amongst the biggest in the world. We current ave over 5000 active clients on our books.

I am happy to discuss this further with you Kelvin and to provide cv and references. Kind Regards Kevin

Deliver in 56 days
Blitzm Systems Pty Ltd

Hi Kelvin, this sounds like a very good fit for my engineering team. We are an Australian team of developers and we working on similar IoT projects. We have engineers across cloud, web and microcontroller programming. I would love to discuss what you are doing as there may be additional collaboration opportunities here. James, Blitzm Systems.

Kelvin W.

Hi James,

Thanks for your message. We have a meeting scheduled with AWS today. And I'll aim to touch base tomorrow.

Where are you located?

Cheers Kelvin

Kelvin W.

Hi James,

Will you be available for a chat tomorrow?

Regards Kelvin

Kelvin W.

Hi James,

Let me know if a phone conversation would be of interest?

Regards Kelvin

Cloud Solutions Australia

Hi Kelvin,

Can you clarify "The web app will also be used to create and manage the database structure". Do you mean "... create and manage the database data" or do you actually require the "database structure" to be created and managed?

The headline says "... using Amazon Web Service" - are you set on AWS? Further on you refer to "a cloud service" which suggests you are not specifically requiring AWS.

Thanks, Roger, Cloud Solutions Australia

Kelvin W.

Hi Roger,

There are three parts to the system. Desktop WebApp, this is where the data base structure will be created. Site, areas with the site, assets within the site ect. At the asset level, the key information will be stored. This will define the test parameters. While this structure is stored, it will be stored on the cloud. The field device will draw down the relevant data base structure for the site that it is located at. Once the database structure is stored on the field device. the field tool is then taken to the location where data is to be collected. The data collection will take place. This file will be a flat file format. Once data has been collected, the field device will establish connection to the cloud, and transfer the new data. This data will then be accessible to the desktop webapp.
So all data will ultimately remain in the cloud. And once data has been transferred off the field device. it will be deleted from the field device. Regarding the cloud. While its currently not set in stone. the reason we are leaning towards AWS is that it has been approved by our customers. so If down the track we link the transfer of data. Hopefully there will not be any compatibility or security concerns.

Regards Kelvin

Cloud Solutions Australia

Hi Kelvin,

Thanks for the clarifications.

Can you confirm the workflow is:

  1. the required database structure for the tests to be performed is downloaded to the field device and stored as a flat file,
  2. that flat file is then populated during data collection,
  3. during data collection the field device is disconnected from the internet,
  4. the populated flat file is uploaded to the cloud when internet connection is re-established to the field device.

In particular, can you confirm the field device does not require an internet connection during data collection.

Thanks, Roger

Kelvin W.

Hi Rodger,

1) Yes - correct. regarding the captured data, we have established that the flat file is the most efficient way to manage and interact. as for the database structure. if there is a better way to manage that. we are open to discuss. 2) Yes 3) It has the potential to have connection. But not all locations have good connectivity. so the system is designed to work independent of an internet or network connection. 4) yes - correct. Once a network is established. The captured data would be transferred to the cloud. that would be a manual process.

If your available to talk tomorrow. lets do that.

Regards Kelvin

Kelvin W.

Hi Roger,

Let me know if a phone conversation would be of interest to help clarify any questions?

Regards Kelvin

Cloud Solutions Australia

Hi Kelvin, Yes a phone conversation would be very valuable. My number is 0438 000044. Regards, Roger

Kelvin W.

Hi Roger, Thanks for your message. I will call this afternoon. Around 4pm your time. Regards Kelvin