Web Developer job request

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual

I am looking for someone to fix Virtuemart on an Joomla ecommerce site. The shopping cart does not seem to load correctly. Would also like a general check of the Aust Post plugin to check it's working correctly.

Requested by
Margaret D.
Joined Oct 2013
Submitted 16 Nov 2014 at 02:08
Expired 10 years ago
Average bid $75.00

Joseph So

Need to look at the website before to give you a real quotation.

It should be not more than 3 hours if nothing serious.

My service is 50/hr. Discount can be given based on the amount of the time required.

I have experience in some large website, such as Oxford University Press and Save the Children.

Deliver in 1 day
Xtreme Soft Solutions

Hello, We would be able to give you a proper quote only after looking at the site. We have extensive experience in Joomla and Virtuemart. Testimonials can be provided upon request. Thank you, Xtreme Soft Solutions.

Estimated 1 hour
[Deleted user]

Hi, I'm a software contractor located in Melbourne. I would say the job would cost around 50$. However I'll need to have a closer look at exactly what the problem is with the aus post plugin and joomla virtuemart. Should be quite easy/ trivial to fix.

I've worked at several co's as a software contractor and have a Computer science degree from RMIT.


Deliver in 3 days
[Deleted user]
Deliver in 8 days