Web Developer Request

This project has ended

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual
  1. User Login Page, where the user logs in, Employee, Manager, Director, Administration will have different access.
  2. Main page, will have links to various pages, may have news of the day or tip of the day.
  3. Item Browsing page, where the user can view all items in the system based on their access level.
  4. Enter Item Page, where the user can enter an item into the system.
  5. Item Statues page displays each item in detail, users can change details and statues of that item pending on access level.
  6. Personal Details page displays the user’s details and the details of the personals they manage, again those details can be changed based on access level, administrator will be able to create a new user, which would take them directly to the personal details update page with blank fields.
  7. Salary report/performance statues for the personal selected as well as able to bring up their performance record
  8. Allow that user to update the personal information of the selected user, as well as reset password and change logins
  9. Reports Page, where the reports can be run based on pending need, also subjected to access level
  10. The Documentation section contains user manuals on work related resource or information

User able to log into the main page and from their able to access different pages via the main page.

technology requirement: Use Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET or MVC and use MSSQL

Looking at around $200 - $500 AUD

Requested by
Dan L.
Joined Jan 2009
Submitted 19 Jan 2012 at 23:22
Expired 12 years ago
Average bid $2,646.67

[Deleted user]

Please check our official website at http://www.beonlinesolutions.com

Estimated 1 hour

Hi Angelo,

We can get this solution developed and implemented. We have four experienced professionals (working in a corporate comapanies and also a freelancers) who can execute this promptly. We also have a local contact in Sydney so you can get in touch with us easily to clarify things. Please contact us to get started. Looking forward to work with you. Payment can be done at the end.

Cheers, Ram

Deliver in 9 days
[Deleted user]

Hi, I have 18+ years in development Microsoft Application Based. I have advast amount of experience with Web Development such as MVC3, HTML, Javascript/JQUERY and all versions of .NET.

All my development will be fully scalable, robust and conforms to industry standards.

Why reinvent the wheel, the good % of requirements have already been developed by me and what I have quoted for is to customise my existing system.

Deliver in 7 days
[Deleted user]

A price offer that can't be refused for a quality product. The actual price of the quality product is way too high, but the team is working on similar project and hence reusability of code can be applied. You can see a snapshot of quality deliverable by checking the following websites  Effaar.com.au Mbldinternational.com Itgridsolutions.com Amritsarsweets.com

Deliver in 13 days
[Deleted user]

We develop in Django for smaller web applications and any heavy lifting would be done using a Java based restful web service. I have 2 developers available to work on this project.

Deliver in 6 days
[Deleted user]

To be able to get your job done properly I would suggest you to raise your budget. There may be some people doing this job within this amount but you will be ended with a product having immature code and not scalable enough. Later you will be spending much more $$$ to tackle ongoing issues.

Deliver in 9 days
[Deleted user]
Deliver in 13 days
[Deleted user]

We use PHP Zendframework which is a beautiful MVC model. We have done exactly what you request before for a previous client.

Deliver in 1 day
Viva IT Services

Hello Firstly thank you for your opportunity to quote on this project. Based on the specifications provided I would suggeste this would take a couple of weeks to be completed correctly. That said your budget expectations of between $200 and $500 is very slim. If you're willing to entertain a higher budget where the developer does not work for peanuts, or does not outsource (which on a budget like this will NOT get you the results you are after), I'm more than willing to help. Thanks Mark

Deliver in 14 days