Woocommerce Follow-Up Plugin

This project has ended

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Remote (anywhere)
Freelance / Casual
  1. Woocommerce Follow-ups Plugin has been installed. Need to configure and setup plugin to work with the customer database to enable a sales email to be sent to any past customers that have purchased a particular product(s) 11 months after they make the purchase. ie if they make a purchase today in 11 months they get sent an email reminding them to update their product. Likewise if they made a purchase 11 months ago they get sent an email today. Testing is crucial but is fraught with embarrassment if the test goes out to the database by mistake before it is live..Therefore the Coder must have knowledge of this plugin and worked with it before.

  2. Configure and setup plugin to add a cart abandon email to automatically communicate and engage with customers that that leave the site without completing their purchase.

Requested by
Richard B.
Joined Nov 2018
Submitted 6 Nov 2018 at 04:35
Expired 6 years ago
Bidding guide $250 - $750
Average bid $0.00

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