Posted in The Watercooler on Oct 17, 2020
I once worked for a manager that was fond of conference calls with our spread-out team. Poor fellow was not adept at leading these confused gatherings, however, so when he was out of earshot we called them chaos calls, a far more fitting description. In these 7 tips we offer sound advice for conducting a constructive phone conference. When handled well, these calls are inexpensive, can be very productive and produce tremendous time savings.
Posted in The Watercooler on Jun 13, 2020
Graphic Design / Creative Freelancer Advice: Should You Take the Check Even if You're Not Into Your Client?
Posted in The Watercooler on Mar 04, 2020
Creative Freelancers, Are You Being Unfair by Charging More for Certain Clients?
Posted in The Watercooler on Nov 18, 2019
Without difficult clients life would be...well, we can say not as exciting. But occasionally you find yourself in those positions where you want to just dig a hole and hide from the client that is making you want to quit being a freelancer.
Posted in The Watercooler on Nov 01, 2019
Client satisfaction gives us reputation and credibility, however, every now and again we will come across a problematic client. Some of my colleagues will continue to work with clients even when they have asked them to compromise so much and cause hassle. Usually in this scenario, if you do not end the relationship with the client, there will be problems in the future.
Posted in The Watercooler on Oct 30, 2019
In my experience as a freelancer I have found there to be several mistakes which all freelancers make. I myself have made some of these errors and have seen friends make some of the other mistakes. With this in mind I have compiled the common freelancing mistakes along with possible solutions.
Posted in The Watercooler on Oct 19, 2019
From a car salesman to Steve Jobs, negotiation is a key basic skill which every business person should develop throughout their career. The pressure has recently been on many freelancers due to the dismal trading environment and bleak forecasts for the near future. Harsh financial conditions, however, have forced many businesses to turn to freelancers as opposed to big blood-sucking businesses. This turn of heart has been met by a lower number of businesses wanting to resuscitate their online marketing to the anguish of freelance web developers.
Posted in The Watercooler on Oct 04, 2019
The journey toward success will begin from your workspace. A bad workspace will leave your amazing mind uninspired. I was recently asked by a colleague, "How can I change my workspace to become more inspired?". I gave him the following advise.
Posted in The Watercooler on Sep 21, 2019
Look around yourself and notice the world. You will find that the majority of the people of this world prefer to have a 'boss' as opposed to being self-employed or a freelancer. This is because they do not know how to unearth the secret of success.
Posted in The Watercooler on Sep 20, 2019
A major factor causing procrastination is lack of creativity. This find its roots deep in a freelancer's own life, and specifically in the freelancer's head. I have discussed the twelve bitches of life which cause me to lack inspiration from time to time. These are the dirty dozen who should be avoided at all times!