Academic Writing freelancers

Hello mate, i'm Roseline, i derive my joy by writing great contents for clients... i've helped people build their business with the power of words
Enhancing research and academic performance
The business of editing, literacy and interpretation.
A mutually beneficial framework that helps you finish projects and helps build my writing profile
Reflective writer, naturalist, teacher, environmental scientist, horticulturist
High Quality and Faster Delivery on all business services and creative needs
Writer with an engaging style and captivating content
Comprehensive, integrative healthcare services, intuitively aligned
Engaging, differentiated and focused writing for any professional or creative needs. Proof reading, editing and critique for any content from creative and academic writing through to job applications and anything in between.
A university Professor and post graduate teacher trainer (20 years abroad, including the UK, Indonesia, Germany and South Korea) with business, psychology, accounting, TESOL & law expertise.