NoSQL Couch & Mongo freelancers

Deep developing, best quality
Computer and Systems Engineer of the National University of Colombia. Able to work under pressure and in team. With Hight level of responsibility, punctuality, leadership, compliance, creativity and ability in abstraction, analysis and problem solving.
Smartenit comprises of experienced and professional software developers who can build world-class applications for your business at affordable prices
Digital Transformation for small businesses using Office 365, SharePoint plus convert your idea to reality by building web/mobile app for you in cost-effective manner
A full stack developer who can get your job done quickly and properly. Can also summon a team based on your needs.
I am a Full Stack Developer with a focus on Frontend & UX. I like to work closely with users and business owners to create successful and enjoyable products.
Software Engineer, Website Developer (Front-end & Back-end) & Graphic Designer