Cloud Computing freelancers

I have a small company of a few people who can do almost everything in Information Technology
Desktop/Backend/Client-Server/Linux/Windows expert application developer.
Build software around your business, not your business around its software
Intalex offers high “business fit” software solutions for clients. We do this by taking the time to really understand the problem to be solved. By accurately modelling the software around the business problem, the client is able to move at a faster pace w
Globel Business Mager at SteigernTechnologies have experience of developing website using CMS, We are a team that can develop system or website using php, .net, java etc. Also experienced in Database. We are developing Responsive sites, e-commerce website
Experienced Developer with over 10 years experience in a variety of industries
From the collaborative experience of our team members, we are able to deliver strong high quality scalable solutions.
Web and software development for SME's. We specialise in system integrations to help your business run smoothly.
Core Backened Development agnostic of Language. Extensive use of OOPs and Funtional Programming paradigm